
Dasu, K., Ma, K.L., Ma, J. & Frazier, J. 2020. Sea of Genes: A Reflection on Visualizating Metagenomic Data for the Public. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 27(2): 935-945. (link to paper)

Frazier, J. 2019. VISUALISE: Visualization for Informal Science Education: Conference Summary and Next Steps for the Field. Exploratorium. (link to PDF)

Ma, J., Ma, K.L, & Frazier, J. 2019. Decoding Complex Visualizations in Science Museums: An Empirical Study. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 26(1): 472-481. (link to paper)

Hseuh, J., Ma, J., Ma, K.L, & Frazier, J. 2016. Fostering Comparisons: Designing an Interactive Exhibit that Visualizes Marine Animal Behaviors. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. PacificVis 2016: 259-263. (link to paper)

Ma, J., Sindorf, L., Liao, I. & Frazier, J. 2014. Using a tangible versus a multi-touch graphical user interface to support data exploration at a museum exhibit. In A. Antle, A. Mazalek, & F. Mueller (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction. TEI 2015: 33-40. (link to paper)

Ma, J., Liao, I., Ma, K. L., & Frazier, J. 2012. Living Liquid: Design and Evaluation of an Exploratory Visualization Tool for Museum Visitors. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 18(12): 2799-2808. (link to paper)

Ma, K.L., Liao, I., Frazier, J., Hauser, H., & Kostis, H.N. 2012. Scientific Storytelling Using Visualization. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 32, no. 1 : 12-19. (link to paper)

Frazier, J. A. 1999. In Brief: Novel Functions for Adhesion Molecules; PINCH Proteins at Adherens Junctions; Roles for Coronin in the Actin, and Possibly Microtuble, Cytoskeleton. Journal of Cell Biology. 1144: 1-2. (link to paper)

Frazier, J. A., Wong, M. L., Longtine, M. L., Pringle, J., Mann, M., Mitchison, T. J., and Field, C. M. 1998. Polymerization of Purified Yeast Septins: Evidence That Organized Filament Arrays May Not Be Required for Function. Journal of Cell Biology. 143: 737-49. (link to paper)

Frazier, J. A., and Field, C. M. 1997. Actin Cytoskeleton: Are FH Proteins Local Organizers? Current Biology. 7: 414-17. (link to paper)

Hawley, R. S., Frazier, J. A., and Rasooly, R. 1994. Separation Anxiety: The Etiology of Nondisjunction in Flies and People. Human Molecular Genetics. (link to paper)

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