Creating public experiences of science

Jennifer Frazier is a scientist, curator, teacher, and scholar who creates public experiences with contemporary science. She is currently the Senior Director of Strategic Initiatives at the Science Communication Lab, and an Adjunct Professor at the University of California at San Francisco. She is the founding director of the Public Data Initiative at the Science Communication Lab, which explores meaningful ways to engage a broader segment of the public with data through visualizations. For eighteen years Jennifer was a Senior Scientist and Curator at the Exploratorium, where she co-led the museum's program in biological sciences. Jennifer has been awarded several grants that pioneer new genres of exhibits including the NSF-funded Living Liquid, the Center for Cellular Construction, the VISUALISE Conference, and the Moore-funded Ocean Observatory and Plants. These projects not only create new exhibit forms, but produce research studies on learning that are used in informal learning, computer science, and design. Before joining the Exploratorium in 2004, Jennifer worked at the National Academy of Sciences and PBS. Jennifer has a Ph.D. in Cell Biology from the University of California at San Francisco and a B.S. in Genetics and Bioethics from the University of California, Davis. She has been an NSF Fellow, a AAAS Mass Media Fellow, UCSF Alumni of the Year, and the NSF/AAAS Scientific Visualization Challenge.